This afternoon we worked with class 4 to improve our sprinting skills.

We ended the lesson with a relay - we are not sure who won but everyone really tried to think about their technique to sprint as fast as they could.
Today we looked at the rules that are needed to use speech marks correvtly and why sometimes they trigger new paragraphs.

The class did very well with this activity - well done everyone.

These skills will definitely help with this week's homework too!
Which part of the story did you enjoy the most?
In preparation for some story writing work we looked at the reasons why you would need to start a new paragraph. Today we specifically looked at the 'new topic = new paragraph' approach.
Frequently on a Monday morning we do different activities to help us learn our spellings.

Today we did a wordsearch and played 'stairs'. Can you work out how it works?
To support our homework, topic work and literacy skills we are working on creating our very own special Ancient Egyptian Themed Podcast about their Gods and the importance they played in their lives.

This afternoon was all about research and getting the beginning of the script written.

Hopefully, if time allows, you'll be able to hear one tomorrow!
The starters in our maths lessons this week are about area and perimeter.

Today we went outside in the playground to make squares which were 4M in perimeter and had an area of 1M squared.

Some children did extension activities too and were challenged further.
This term's value is compassion and the Bible story that goes with it is The Good Samaritan. We have made a display for it in the school hall.

Please take a look at it next time you're in the hall! - everyone has contributed to our class display.
We discussed why it was important to learn about money and came up with some really good ideas.

Some groups were working with rounding money whilst others worked with some shopping and added up the value of products that they pulled out of their Sainsbury's bags!