We did some research on pyramids today. The class are going to put their best findings on the outside of a paper pyramid in order to display the information in an exciting way!
Next stage of designing our chairs involved thinking about the Egyptian Gods and what they might be interested in the 21st Century. Their designs reflected some good ideas!
As part of our PSHE unit on keeping safe, last week we looked at traffic and today we looked at fire.

We walked around the school to see what the school has done to keep us safe in the event of a fire and then had an engaging conversation about fire safety.
We travelled in our tardis this morning so we could travel back to the Ancient Egyptian times.

After clearing and finalising all our ideas we began to write the openings of our stories as creatively and engaging as we could.
We are watching short segments of film about how and why the were pyramids were built each afternoon this week.

Everyone seems to be finding it really interesting.
We listened to lots of different songs this afternoon and worked out how they were accompanied.

We then used our voices to accompany a song by The Beatles.
Our working wall is almost complete: full of ideas, hints and examples to help us write a perfect Egyptian Myth in the next couple of days!
As well as Mrs. King's French club restarting we welcomed back Madamme Caldwell from KLB this morning.

She had been on a school trip to Paris.

We looked at the names of different sports this morning...can anyone remember any?
We started to create our own Egyptian myth today.

We came up with ideas to describe characters...we will generate our Egyptian God tomorrow.

We shared our best ideas on the literacy working wall and the whole class can use this to help.
As part of our art and design work we are going to create a chair for an Egyptian pharaoh in the coming weeks.

Today we tried to build a solid structure to start the process of getting some ideas together.